Perfect Weekend: Edwin van der Ven, owner of Reverie Restaurant/Bar

EDWIN van der Ven, 42, is owner at the Reverie restaurant/bar on Newington Road ( He lives in Duddingston.

1 Who would be your ideal weekend companion and why? Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. I love his fresh, local, honest food and he could help me find the best foraging spots in Edinburgh.

2 Where would you take them and why? We’d go for a walk along the beach at Gullane with my family and our dog.

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3 Where would you go for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Breakfast would be at home for my wife’s Scotch pancakes. For lunch we’d go to Malvarosa our local tapas restaurant in Portobello. Then dinner would be at our local Turkish restaurant, Hanedan, for its delicious hummous and fish dishes.

4 What item would you not be without? Good sturdy hard toed boots – running a pub/restaurant takes it out on your feet.

5 How would your perfect weekend finish? We’d have a pot of mussels to share at the Reverie, followed by a trip to the Dominion cinema for a beer and a spy thriller.