Hearing loss: How to embrace your outdoors lifestyle and fall back in love with hobbies like swimming and cycling

The latest hearing aid tech gives people their hobbies back such as cycling and swimmingThe latest hearing aid tech gives people their hobbies back such as cycling and swimming
The latest hearing aid tech gives people their hobbies back such as cycling and swimming
Has hearing loss changed the way you live your life? As spring is underway and summer is just around the corner, here’s how the latest tech can get you back living the life you love.

People whose lives are affected by hearing loss often lose out on more than conversation.

Perhaps swimming was your thing or cycling through country lanes on a blissfully bright Sunday afternoon. However, you may hold back on enjoying your favourite hobbies and making them count in the longer days ahead if hearing loss compromises your safety, or your hearing aid isn’t up to the job.

You can still grab the moment with some wonderful hearing devices that will absolutely put your life first, and will diminish the niggles that have been at the back of your mind.

The right fit for you

Stephen Fairfield, owner of Fairfield Hearing in Edinburgh, explains: “There are plenty of options now for various lifestyles, from 24/7 wear devices, waterproof versions and now out-and-proud lifestyle accessory types.

“You don't have to hold back on enjoying your life and your hobbies simply because you can't find the support and the style you need.”

Having to restrict your lifestyle because you need a hearing aid, is no longer necessary.

Just imagine sitting around a hot holiday hotel pool and you have the urge to take a dip.

Some products come with a special sealant which waterproof the device; and so enjoying that dip simply isn’t an issue.

Long battery life

Some aids are designed to fit for months at a time so you can get on with your life without having to second-guess how you want live day by day.

There are super-slim hearing aid options that are ideal if you fit in activities such as cycling (there’s no need to worry that you can’t wear a safety helmet because of the aid).

Many aids come in modern colours too, so that when you’ve finished your daily activity hobby, you can brush up and enjoy the rest of your day in style

Expert advice

At Fairfield Hearing can advise and offer you solutions. Yoga? It isn’t a problem. Aerobics or super-fast spin cycling? Go for it.

If you ask a hearing professional, such as Stephen, then your whole life could change.

He says: “Why resign yourself to life without the sounds that make each day so beautiful?

“Likewise, why resign yourself to a life where you can’t enjoy the things you love the most because you’re worried about hearing loss.”

He added: “Come and tell us how you want to confidently bring your hobbies and passion into your life, and we will work on the best solution for you.”

For more information visit fairfieldhearing.earsure.health

Visit Fairfield Hearing, 2 Stafford Street, Edinburgh EH3 7AU, call 0131 378 5800 or email [email protected] to make an appointment.

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