Fiona Duff fancies toilet crowd-funding in loo of a job

This column is brought to you courtesy of the usual boot up the backside delivered by the Evening News commandant.

I thought it necessary to pop out and meet a friend for a coffee and walk in Stockbridge. By the time you read this it may be that doing just that is no longer possible.

It is odd to be meeting a friend almost 2 weeks into 2021 and greeting them with Happy New Year. But that’s the way things are just now. A cup of coffee replaces the glass of wine over lunch, and as apparently we aren’t allowed to sit down to drink it we have to do so whilst walking around the park. I suppose it means that we might be that little bit healthier and wealthier, although due to lack of work I certainly haven’t noticed the latter.

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This inability to enter another’s home does bring on some problems, especially when you have just drunk a large cup of coffee. Yes, nature calls and I ain’t talking about the birds tweeting in the trees, although this does involve a visit behind some bushes.

I have always wondered why there aren’t any public lavatories in Inverleith Park. I suppose that there would be the problem with maintenance and cleaning, not to mention any damage that may be caused by the youths who seem to gather there with their bottles of cider of a sunny evening. However, all that aside I think it’s about time we started a campaign to have some conveniences built there. After all, there’s only so many shrubbery behind which to hide.

If I knew how to start a crowdfunding page I would try to do that. Obviously I would need to find out how much it cost to build such a place and find out what plumbing is already in the park. Frankly, I think it would be rather a popular campaign. Anyone out there who would like to help me raise the money?

And as for the maintenance – well that would sort out my problem of not having a job!