Double crossword - 13/12/12

Today’s puzzle...

Cryptic puzzle


1. He comes back in to tie up at the back (6)

4. Metal rod inserted into locks (6)

9. What dedicated probate clerks do (4,4,1,4)

10. Alas, our awakening is troubled (7)

11. A financial uplift once more (5)

12. Negotiate for something that gives particular pleasure (5)

14. Pete’s very much inclined to change (5)

18. Is apprehensive about loud sound receivers (5)

19. Record one short visit - that’s reasonable (7)

21. Where to find shipmates suffering together (2,3,4,4)

22. The return of revolutionary spirit leads to slaughter (6)

23. Ground corn that is maize (6)


1. Tool for making archery equipment? (3-3)

2. Those in the dock are under his orders (7-6)

3. Amphibia from the north and west, maybe (5)

5. The first male colonist is unyielding (7)

6. Training establishment for rankers? (7,6)

7. Hose belonging to Jenny Lonsdale (6)

8. Where people buy a theatre seat (5)

13. When the south wind goes to the east, it’s harsh (7)

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15. A business house, we hear, to make a definite statement (6)

16. Saga of the siege in which Paris was involved (5)

17. Put in gear (6)

20. Bird seen back among the icebergs (5)

Quick puzzle


1. Delicate (6)

4. Char (6)

9. Disobedience (13)

10. Cell (7)

11. Ooze (5)

12. Nip (5)

14. Crouch (5)

18. Frequently (5)

19. Rejection (7)

21. Sweetmeats (13)

22. Airing (6)

23. Appeared (6)


1. Jeer (6)

2. Incompatibility (13)

3. Fabric (5)

5. Present (7)

6. Tire (3,3,2,5)

7. Took notice (6)

8. Titan (5)

13. Anxiety (7)

15. Obliged (6)

16. Rasp (5)

17. Skinned (6)

20. Iced (5)

Wednesday’s solutions

CRYPTIC - Across: 1 Guys and Dolls; 7 Bidet; 8 Erica; 9 Gus; 10 Landscape; 11 Orchid; 12 Confab; 15 Whodunnit; 17 Ova; 18 Lisle; 19 Sitar; 21 Playing cards.

Down: 1 George Orwell; 2 Aid; 3 Dating; 4 Overshoot; 5 Leila; 6 Panel beaters; 7 Basic; 10 Leisurely; 13 Floor; 14 Unison; 16 Ousel; 20 Tic.

QUICK - Across: 1 Considerable; 7 Plead; 8 Eaten; 9 Irk; 10 Grandiose; 11 Indian; 12 Debris; 15 Termagant; 17 Gun; 18 Rivet; 19 Shaft; 21 Interminable.

Down: 1 Conciliatory; 2 Ice; 3 Endear; 4 Amendment; 5 Lotto; 6 Unreasonable; 7 Poked; 10 Guarantee; 13 Right; 14 Hansom; 16 Raven; 20 Awn.