Snapshot: Gav Taylor

Birthday: 4 March.

Occupation: Edinburgh Playhouse front of house supervisor.

What school did you attend? Holy Rood High School.

What sort of pupil were you? Model, although the teachers may have a different opinion.

What was your first job? Worked in a chippie.

What has been your most unusual job? I was Sir Paul McCartney’s minder on his world tour.

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My biggest achievement so far has been... Remembering to switch off the iron when I leave my flat. Always forgetting.

My worst moment ever was…Getting voted off first on The Weakest Link.

Three words that sum up my personality are... Cheeky, mischievous, hard-working.

Favourite place in the world? Ireland - everyone was so laid- back.

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Three places in Edinburgh I could not live without are...Easter Road Stadium, Theatre Royal Bar, Greggs the Bakers.

Who is your best friend? Anyone who stands me a drink at the bar.

Which TV show do you never miss? The Big Bang Theory and The Apprentice.

What one event would you bring to Edinburgh? Hibs parading the Scottish Cup... I can only dream...

Name one item you could not live without? A fish finger sandwich.

By what ethos do you live your life? Always do your best.