Free energy-saving measures for Midlothian residents

Eight out of ten supported households have received completely free energy efficiency measuresEight out of ten supported households have received completely free energy efficiency measures
Eight out of ten supported households have received completely free energy efficiency measures
Keen to make your home warmer and more energy-efficient? Help is available from Home Energy Scotland.

Home Energy Scotland is funded by the Scottish Government to help you reduce your heating costs. They can identify if you’re eligible for free energy-saving home improvements like insulation and heating, on average worth around £5,000, through the Scottish Government’s Warmer Homes Scotland programme.

Making your home more energy efficient can have a big impact on reducing your bills, so what are you waiting for?

Give Home Energy Scotland a call today on 0808 808 2282 or visit to find out more.

Making your home more energy efficient can have a big impact on reducing your bills, so what are you waiting for?Making your home more energy efficient can have a big impact on reducing your bills, so what are you waiting for?
Making your home more energy efficient can have a big impact on reducing your bills, so what are you waiting for?

Support is available now, so don't wait until the temperatures drop before getting in touch!

Home Energy Scotland has helped over 22,000 homeowners and private tenants across Scotland to benefit from the scheme since it was launched in 2015.

Eight out of ten supported households have received completely free energy efficiency measures. Most have received improvements worth over £5,000, as well as each of them saving on average around £300 on their energy bills per year too.

Rita received energy efficiency improvements through the Warmer Homes Scotland scheme. She told us her flat is now much easier to heat: “I was so excited when I was offered new storage heaters, secondary glazing and draughtproofing. They will really help to reduce my bills!

Home Energy Scotland is funded by the Scottish Government to help you reduce your heating costsHome Energy Scotland is funded by the Scottish Government to help you reduce your heating costs
Home Energy Scotland is funded by the Scottish Government to help you reduce your heating costs

“I can’t thank Home Energy Scotland enough – their advisors were kind, caring, empathetic, and very good listeners and made me feel comfortable throughout the support they gave me.”

Impartial advice and support just a free call away

Jamie Gray, Home Energy Scotland Advice Centre Manager in the south east of Scotland, said, “If you’re worried about heating your home or rising energy bills you could have a warmer home like Rita above, by benefiting from Warmer Homes Scotland and saving hundreds of pounds on your energy bills too.

“It’s potentially a win-win and all you need to do is call us free on 0808 808 2282 to find out if you qualify for support.”

Give Home Energy Scotland a call today on 0808 808 2282 and speak to one of their friendly, expert advisors, or visit for more information.