Pupils return after urgent repairs completed at Oxgangs Primary

Pupils will be able to return to Oxgangs Primary School on Tuesday. Picture: Ian GeorgesonPupils will be able to return to Oxgangs Primary School on Tuesday. Picture: Ian Georgeson
Pupils will be able to return to Oxgangs Primary School on Tuesday. Picture: Ian Georgeson

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Pupils at Oxgangs Primary School will be able to return to school after the completion of urgent roof repairs.

Additional issues were found in the roof and suspended ceilings at Oxgangs Primary earlier this month - two years after a partial wall collapse prompted 17 temporary school closures across the city.

The 17 schools were built through the PPP1 project and are maintained by the Edinburgh Schools Partnership (ESP). The body has attracted criticism from Edinburgh Council.

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It has now been confirmed that the necessary repairs have been carried out at Oxgangs Primary and that pupils would be able to return to the crisis-hit school on Tuesday following the Easter break.

The other 16 PPP1 schools will also reopen as normal.

Edinburgh Council chief executive Andrew Kerr said: “I’m pleased that pupils will be able to return from their Easter holidays to Oxgangs Primary and to other PPP1 schools as normal tomorrow.

“We have always stated that health and safety is paramount and our swift and decisive action has ensured that pupils - and their parents - didn’t face any disruption to their education.

“Of course, I share parents’ frustration that yet more issues have come to light and we continue to press ESP for a full explanation as to this latest failure.”

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