Nicola Sturgeon update RECAP: No extension of vaccine passport scheme

Nicola Sturgeon is to set out any further expansion of vaccine passports in Scotland during a scheduled coronavirus briefing.Nicola Sturgeon is to set out any further expansion of vaccine passports in Scotland during a scheduled coronavirus briefing.
Nicola Sturgeon is to set out any further expansion of vaccine passports in Scotland during a scheduled coronavirus briefing.
Nicola Sturgeon is to set out any further expansion of vaccine passports in Scotland during a scheduled coronavirus briefing.

The First Minister will make an announcement on potential changes to Covid-19 restrictions in the Scottish Parliament shortly after 2pm on Tuesday.

Vaccine passports came into effect in October and currently require nightclubs and large venues to only allow entry to people who can show they have been double jagged.

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Nicola Sturgeon to give update on vaccine passport 

Nicola Sturgeon says “As of now, on first, second, third and booster doses, Scotland is still the most vaccinated part of the UK.

I want to again record my thanks to everyone involved in organising and delivering the vaccine programme.”

The First Minister adds: “Even though our position now is relatively stable compared to some other countries, we must continue to take care and not allow ourselves to be lulled into any false sense of security.

“Last week, I noted that cases had increased gradually over the previous fortnight from just over 2,500 new cases a day, to just over 3,000.

“Since then, the situation appears to have stabilised again.

“In the last 7 days, the average number of new cases being recorded each day has fallen from just over 3000 to just under 3000 - a fall of around 3%.”

The First Minister explains “In the over 60s, cases fell by 19%. In the under 60s, though, there was only a very slight decline. A small fall in cases in those aged under 25, was almost balanced out by a very small increase in the other age bands under 60.”

“In the last week, the number of people in hospital with Covid has fallen only slightly - from 779 to 743. And the number of people in intensive care has risen slightly – from 57 to 60. So the number of patients in hospital with Covid is still high. “

The First Minister explains that all restrictions will remain in place. She says: “The fact that the R number is hovering at or slightly above 1 leads us to this conclusion; our situation is more positive than we might have expected it to be at this point, but it is still precarious.

“We need to get the R number back below 1.

“That means having in place a range of proportionate protections to keep the country as safe as possible while we continue to live as freely as possible.

“That is why Cabinet decided this morning to retain for a further period all the remaining legal protections, such as the requirement to wear face coverings and - subject to a change I will set out shortly - to keep in place the Covid certification scheme, and intensify our public information campaign in the weeks ahead.”

The First Minister says “Getting vaccinated remains the single most important thing any of us can do to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities.

“You could well be saving your own life, and the lives of your loved ones.

“You will be helping the NHS.”


Nicola Sturgeon confirms that the Covid vaccine passport scheme will continue. She says: "For at least a further three week period, we will retain vaccine certification for the venues and events currently covered by the scheme"

She adds: “We have decided that from 6 December it will be possible to access venues or events covered by the scheme by showing either proof of vaccination, as now, or a recent negative lateral flow test result.“

Nicola Sturgeon: “As I indicated last week, Cabinet also considered the possible extension of the scheme to a much wider range of premises, including indoor theatres, cinemas and hospitality venues.

This was a very finely balanced decision.

However, I can confirm that at this stage we have decided not to extend the scope of the scheme.”