Commonwealth Pool to host 2018 European diving competition

The Royal Commonwealth Pool. Picture: Greg MacveanThe Royal Commonwealth Pool. Picture: Greg Macvean
The Royal Commonwealth Pool. Picture: Greg Macvean
Next year's European Championships diving competition will be held at the Royal Commonwealth Pool in Edinburgh, it has been announced.

Sports leaders in the Capital said they were delighted at the news, which comes after the city pool hosted divers during the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

The 2018 European Championships will take place in Glasgow and Berlin.

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Welcoming the announcement, Edinburgh’s Lord Provost, Frank Ross, said: “Edinburgh is proud to be part of this brand new multi-sport event.

“Once again, the Capital will play host to an international diving competition at the Royal Commonwealth Pool, which just last week welcomed competitors from all over the country for the British Diving Championships.

“The ‘Commie’ is one of Edinburgh’s world-class sports venues, much-used and much-loved by the Edinburgh public and professionals from all over the world. It is the ideal Scottish venue for the European Championships in 2018.”