Police investigate more 'superglue' incidents in Edinburgh including second case involving child at museum

Mum-of-two Libby Fairbairn was changing her three-month-old daughter Sadie'snappie on Fridayin the National Museum of Scotland's baby changing facilities, when she realised hersnowsuit had stuckto the table.Mum-of-two Libby Fairbairn was changing her three-month-old daughter Sadie'snappie on Fridayin the National Museum of Scotland's baby changing facilities, when she realised hersnowsuit had stuckto the table.
Mum-of-two Libby Fairbairn was changing her three-month-old daughter Sadie'snappie on Fridayin the National Museum of Scotland's baby changing facilities, when she realised hersnowsuit had stuckto the table.
Edinburgh mum Libby Fairbairn, whose daughter was affected, said police are looking at another incident in which a substance came into contact with a child's skin.

A second child has come into contact with a superglue type susbtance left by vandals inside an Edinburgh museum - and police are investigating a third incident at a city theatre.

Mum-of-two Libby Fairbairn was changing her three-month-old daughter Sadie's nappie on Friday in the National Museum of Scotland's baby changing facilities when she realised her child's snowsuit was stuck to the table.

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She had to yank her daughter free but praised museum staff for quickly blocking off the changing facilities and sending a cleaning crew around all of the toilets after they raised concerns.

Similar incidents

But she contacted the Evening News again on Tuesday to say police officers told her they are now investigating two other "similar incidents".

She said police told her a substance had "unfortunately" come into contact with another child's skin somewhere inside the National Museum on Saturday.

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Details on the child's age and the body part affected are not known at this time.

And police told Libby they are looking at a third incident which happened at the city's Festival Theatre over the weekend. It is understood this took place inside the men's toilets.

A Capital Theatres spokeswoman said: "We can confirm there was an incident which is under investigation by the police so we are unable to comment however we can confirm that it was discovered by our staff before anyone was affected."

The National Museum of Scotland said their visitor experience managers responded quickly to assist those affected at the weekend, and will continued to "rigorously check" their public facilities to ensure they are regularly serviced.

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A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Around 5.50pm on Monday, 27 January, 2020, police received a report of vandalism at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. Enquiries are ongoing.”

Police are still carrying out inquiries to establish the full circumstances surrounding each incident.

Libby, 30, confirmed she did not report her experience to police and that officers contacted her on Tuesday after seeing her story on social media.

Following the latest revelations of further incidents, Libby said: "It was not a big thing for us because it was just on Sadie's clothing but, on a baby's skin which is like paper, that is worse.

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"The fact they are looking at more cases makes it a bit more sinister."

Libby said police would be coming to her Gilberstoun home on Wednesday to take a statement. She has also kept her daughter's snowsuit which could be used as evidence.

The type of substance concerned in these incidents has not yet been confirmed but it is believed to be superglue.


Libby was at the National Museum of Scotland on Friday with her partner, Nathan, and their two children, three-month old Sadie and 15-month-old James, for the new 'T-Rex' exhibition.

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She and her partner went to change her daughter's nappie and put her down on the table in a baby changing facility. But as she lifted her up, Libby noticed her baby's snowsuit (all in one baby suit) was stuck to it.

She described the substance as having a "solvent" smell to it.

Following this incident, a National Museum of Scotland spokesperson said: "Our Visitor Experience staff were alerted to some concerning vandalism in the public toilets at the National Museum of Scotland over the weekend.

"Our Visitor Experience Managers responded quickly to assist those affected and to check the rest of the public facilities in the Museum.

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"We will continue to rigorously check that all of our public facilities are regularly serviced to ensure that they are clean and safe."

If you have been affected by a similar incident, get in touch with the Evening News on 0131 3117639.