Man scaled 300ft Leith crane in 3am drama after night out

Police talked the man down.Police talked the man down.
Police talked the man down.
A MAN sparked a 3am drama when climbed to the top of a 300-foot crane while on a night out in Leith.

Christopher Small climbed over two security fences to reach the base of the crane before scaling the massive structure at the city’s Leith Walk earlier this year.

Small, 27, managed to clamber up the 300-foot construction crane and after reaching the top he sat down dangling his legs over the edge.

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The Specsavers employee then began shining a torch down onto shocked members of the public who subsequently contacted the police.

Small, West Mill Road, Edinburgh, spent around an hour at the top of the crane and ignored repeated attempts by police to get him to come down during the incident at around 3am on September 24 this year.

Edinburgh Sheriff Court was told Small had been left distressed after the suicide of a friend.

His solicitor said her client has now “limited his drinking” and is looking to attend university to study Botany.

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Sheriff Alison Stirling marked the offence by ordering Small to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work in the community.

Small admitted to conducting himself in a disorderly manner by climbing the crane, hanging his feet over the edge, shining a torch on to passers-by and committed a breach of the peace at Leith Walk, Edinburgh, on September 24 this year.

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