Gary Flockhart: Zayn Malik lost sense of direction

Zayn Mailik. Pic: CompZayn Mailik. Pic: Comp
Zayn Mailik. Pic: Comp
NOW the dust has had time to settle on the announcement that Zayn Malik has left One Direction, here’s my two cents on the whole thing.

First thing to say is, so what? And I don’t mean that in a good riddance kind of way. What I mean is that the world will keep on turning and, even if it does spell the beginning of the end for the group, another one will be around in five minutes to fill the void in teenage hearts everywhere.

Rest assured, kids, Simon Cowell is working round the clock to ensure this.

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Predictably, the news of Zayn’s departure elicited the sort of extreme reaction you’d expect from one of the most fervent fan followings there has ever been, including thousands of Twitter and Facebook posts that made it seem like the start of Armageddon. #AlwaysInOurHearts ZaynMalik, etc. You’d think he’d died.

In reality, it’s only because we’re now in the age of social media that it seems like a bigger deal than when, say, The Spice Girls or [insert name of massive teenybopper band here] split.

It isn’t. It’s one member leaving, and it’s not as if the guy is blessed with so much musical talent that the others can’t carry on without him – for a few years more at least.

As for young Zayn, well, he claims he’s tired of all the media scrutiny and wants to live a ‘normal’ life.

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Hmm. Strange, then, that just a few hours after saying that he wanted ‘out of the spotlight’ it was announced that Cowell’s record label, Syco, will release the ex-One Direction star’s new music and that he’s already in the recording studio working on his debut solo album.

It’s no great surprise to hear he wants to embark on a solo career, but you can see how Directioners are confused by the mixed messages Zayn is sending out.

Sounds to me like someone’s not being entirely honest about his reasons for quitting 1D and, clearly, the lad needs to go away for a bit and sort his head out.