Henry's life was a lesson in resilience and grace - Angus Robertson

Henry Wuga, left, with Angus RobertsonHenry Wuga, left, with Angus Robertson
Henry Wuga, left, with Angus Robertson
Through Henry Wuga’s actions we learn about humanity. Passing away at the age of 100, his life was a lesson in resilience, grace, education and empathy.

Born in Nuremberg, his life was soon disrupted by the Nazi regime’s persecution of Jews. His successful escape to Scotland in May 1939 through the Kindertransport marked the beginning of a new chapter, one that would see him emerge as a dedicated educator on the horrors and lessons of the Holocaust. In Scotland, Henry found more than just refuge; he found a community and purpose, marrying Ingrid and establishing a life filled with impactful contributions.

After settling in Glasgow, Henry became an instrumental figure in Holocaust education. Beyond sharing his personal narrative, he engaged actively in public speaking, visiting schools across Scotland to educate young people about the Holocaust, as well as participating in documentary projects and public occasions. His approach went beyond recounting the horrors; he aimed to instil a sense of responsibility and the importance of remembrance in his audiences. Everything he did was rooted in the belief that education is key to preserving the commitment the world made after the Second World War – “never again”.

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Henry Wuga’s legacy is not just in the lives he touched through his educational endeavours, but also in the example he set on how to use personal history to educate and inspire future generations. His life’s work serves as a beacon for the importance of memory, tolerance, and the power of sharing one’s story to foster a better understanding among people. Rest in Peace.