Midlothian Council’s small grants scheme opens for applications

Midlothian West councillor Russell Imrie (Labour).Midlothian West councillor Russell Imrie (Labour).
Midlothian West councillor Russell Imrie (Labour).
Midlothian Council’s small grants scheme is now open for applications, with groups, charities or social enterprises able to apply for grants of up to £3,000.

The funding is for a one-year period, for community projects aimed at improving the quality of life for local residents.

“Volunteers, local groups and charities provide invaluable support within our local communities,” said the council’s Cabinet Member for Communities, Councillor Russell Imrie (Lab).

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“Our small grants programme helps provide them with the key funding they need to take forward local projects and provide support which can make a real difference to the lives of local people.”

You can apply now at www.midlothian.gov.uk/funding. Applications close on Friday, December 17. Funding decisions will be announced in February 2022.

Grant funding can be used for things like volunteer expenses, running costs, start-up costs for new projects, staff costs, buying equipment and feasibility studies.